ADD, verb transitive [Latin addo, from ad and do, to give.]
1. To set or put together, join or unite, as one thing or sum to another, in an agreegate; as, add three to four, the sum is seven.
2. To unite in idea or consideration; to subjoin.
To what has been alledged, let this argument be added.
3. To increase number.
Thou shalt add three cities more of refuge. Deuteronomy 19:9.
4. To augment.
Rehoboam said, I will add to your yoke. 1 Kings 12:11.
Ye shall not add to the word which I command you. Deuteronomy 4:2.
As here used, the verb is intransitive, but there may be an ellipsis.
To add to, is used in scripture, as equivalent to give, or bestow upon. Genesis 30:24, Matthew 6:27. In Galatians 2:6, the word is understood to signify instruction. 'In conference they added nothing to me.' In narration, he or they added, is elliptical; he added words, or what follows, or he continued his discourse.
In general, when used of things, add implies a principal thing, to which a smaller is to be annexed, as a part of the whole sum, mass, or number.