A'LIEN, adjective alyen, [Latin alienus, from alius, another. Latin alieno, to alienate; alter, another, to altercate.]
1. Foreign; not belonging to the same country, land or government.
2. Belonging to one who is not a citizen.
3. Estranged; foreign; not allied; adverse to; as, principles alien from our religion.
A'LIEN, noun alyen.
1. A foreigner; one born in, or belonging to, another country; one who is not a denizen, or entitled to the privileges of a citizen.
2. In scripture, one who is a stranger to the church of Christ, or to the covenant of grace.
At that time, ye were without Christ, being aliens from the commonwealth of Israel. Ephesians 2:12.
In France, a child born of residents who are not citizens, is an alien In Great Britain, the children of aliens born in that country, are mostly natural born subjects; and the children of British subjects, owing allegiance to the crown of England, though born in other countries, are natural subjects, and entitled to the privileges or resident citizens.
Alien-duty, a tax upon goods imported by aliens, beyond the duty on the like goods imported by citizens; a discriminating duty on the tonnage of ships belonging to aliens, or any extra duties imposed by laws or edicts on aliens.