American Dictionary of the English Language

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ARREST', verb transitive [Latin resto, to stop; Eng. to rest. See Rest.]

1. To obstruct; to stop; to check or hinder motion; as, to arrest the current of a river; to arrest the senses.

2. To take, seize or apprehend by virtue of a warrant from authority; as, to arrest one for debt or for a crime.

3. To seize and fix; as, to arrest the eyes or attention.

The appearance of such a person in the world, and at such a period, ought to arrest the consideration of every thinking mind.

ARREST', noun

1. The taking or apprehending of a person by virtue of a warrant from authority. An arrest is made by seizing or touching the body.

2. Any seizure, or taking by power, physical or moral.

3. A stop, hindrance or restraint.

4. In law, an arrest of judgment is the staying or stopping of a judgment after verdict, for causes assigned. Courts have power to arrest judgment for intrinsic causes appearing upon the face of the record; as when the declaration varies from the original writ; when the verdict differs materially from the pleadings; or when the case laid in the declaration is not sufficient in point of law, to found an action upon. The motion for this purpose is called a motion in arrest of judgment.

5. A mangy humor between the ham and pastern of the hind legs of a horse.