American Dictionary of the English Language

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ATO'NE, adverb [at and one.] At one; together.

ATO'NE, verb intransitive [Supposed to be compounded of at and one. Latin ad and unus, unio.]

1. To agree; to be in accordance; to accord.

He and Aufidus can no more atone

Than violentest contrariety.

[This sense is obsolete.]

2. To stand as an equivalent; to make reparation, amends or satisfaction for an offense or a crime, by which reconciliation is procured between the offended and offending parties.

The murderer fell and blood atoned for blood.

By what propitiation shall I atone for my former gravity.

The life of a slave was deemed to be of so little value, that a very slight compensation atoned for taking it away.

3. To atone for, to make compensation or amends.

This evil was atoned for by the good effects of the study of the practical physics of Aristotle.

The ministry not atoning for their former conduct by any wise or popular measure.

ATO'NE, verb transitive

1. To expiate; to answer or make satisfaction for.

or each atone his guilty love with life.

2. To reduce to concord; to reconcile, as parties at variance; to appease. [Not now used.]