ATTEND', verb transitive [Latin attendo; ad and tendo, to stretch, to tend. See Tend.]
1. To go with, or accompany, as a companion, minister or servant.
2. To be present; to accompany or be united to; as a cold attended with fever.
3. To be present for some duty, implying charge or oversight; to wait on; as, the physician or the nurse attends the sick.
4. To be present in business; to be in company from curiosity, or from some connection in affairs; as, lawyers or spectators attend a court.
5. To be consequent to, from connection of cause; as, a measure attended with ill effects.
6. To await; to remain, abide or be in store for; as, happiness or misery attends us after death.
7. To wait for; to lie in wait.
8. To wait or stay for.
Three days I promised to attend my doom.
9. To accompany with solicitude; to regard.
Their hunger thus appeased, their care attends.
The doubtful fortune of their absent friends.
10. To regard; to fix the mind upon.
The pilot doth not attend the unskillful words of the passenger.
This is not now a legitimate sense. To express this idea, we now use the verb intransitively, with to, attend to.
11. To expect. [Not in use.]
ATTEND', verb intransitive
1. To listen; to regard with attention; followed by to.
ATTEND to the voice of my supplication. Psalms 86:6.
Hence much used in the imperative, attend!
2. To regard with observation, and correspondent practice.
My son, attend to my words.
Hence, to regard with compliance.
He hath attended to the voice of my prayer. Psalms 66:19.
3. To fix the attention upon, as an object of pursuit; to be busy or engaged in; as, to attend to the study of the scriptures.
4. To wait on; to accompany or be present, in pursuance of duty; with on or upon; as, to attend upon a committee; to attend upon business. Hence,
5. To wait on, in service or worship; to serve.
That ye may attend upon the Lord without distraction.
6. To stay; to delay. obsolete
For this perfection she must yet attend
Till to her maker she espoused be.
7. To wait; to be within call.