American Dictionary of the English Language

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, verb transitive

1. To set free, deliver, or liberate from arrest and imprisonment, upon security given that the person bailed shall appear and answer in court. The word is applied to the magistrate, or the surety. The magistrate bails a man, when he liberates him from arrest or imprisonment, upon bond given with sureties. The surety bails a person, when he procures his release from arrest, by giving bond for his appearance.

2. To deliver goods in trust, upon a contract, expressed or implied, that the trust shall be faithfully executed on the part of the bailee or person entrusted; as, to bail cloth to a tailor to be made into a garment, or to bail goods to a carrier.

3. To free from water, as to bail a boat. This word is improperly written bale. The word is probably the same as bail in law, to free, or liberate, and signifies to throw out water, as with a bucket or shovel.

BAIL, noun The person or persons who procure the release of a prisoner from custody, by becoming surety for his appearance in court.

The bail must be real substantial bondsmen.

B and B were bail to the arrest in a suit at law.

BAIL is not used with a plural termination.

2. The security given for the release of a prisoner from custody; as, the man is out upon bail

Excessive bail ought not to be required.

BAIL is common or special. Common bail are imaginary persons, who are pledges for the plaintiff's prosecution; as John Doe and Richard Roe.

Special bail must be men of real substance, sufficient to pay their bond or recognizance. To perfect or justify bail is to prove by the oath of the person that he is worth the sum for which he is surety beyond his debts. To admit to bail is to release upon security given by bondsmen.

3. The handle of a kettle or other vessel.

4. In England, a certain limit within a forest.