BAND, noun [See Bind and Bend.]
1. A fillet; a cord; a tie; a chain; any narrow ligament with which a thing is bound, tied or fastened, or by which a number of things are confined together.
2. In architecture, any flat low member of molding, broad but not deep, called also fascia, face or plinth.
3. Figuratively, any chain; any means of restraint; that which draws or confines.
4. Means of union or connection between persons; as, Hymen's bands.
5. Any thing bound round or encircling another.
6. Something worn about the neck; as the bands of clergymen.
7. A company of soldiers; the body of men united under one flag or ensign. Also, indefinitely, a troop, a body of armed men.
8. A company of persons united in any common design; as a band of brothers.
9. A slip of canvas, sewed across a sail to strengthen it.
The band of pensioners in England, is a company of 120 gentlemen, who receive a yearly allowance of f100st., for attending the king on solemn occasions.
The bands of a saddle are two pieces of iron nailed upon the bows, to hold them in their proper situation.
BAND, verb transitive To bind together; to bind over with a band
2. To unite in a troop, company or confederacy.
BAND, verb intransitive To unite; to associate; to confederate for some common purpose. Acts 23:12.