B'ARGAIN, noun An agreement between parties concerning the sale of property; or a contract by which one party binds himself to transfer the right to some property, for a consideration, and the other party binds himself to receive the property and pay the consideration.
2. Stipulation: interested dealing.
3. Purchase or the thing purchased.
4. In popular language, final event; upshot.
We must make the best of a bad bargain
To sell bargains, is a vulgar phrase.
To strike a bargain is to ratify an agreement, originally by striking, or shaking hands. The Latin ferire foedus, may represent a like ceremony, unless it refers to the practice of killing a victim, at the solemn ratification of oaths.
Bargain and sale, in law, a species of conveyance, by which the bargainer contracts to convey the lands to the bargainee, and becomes by such contract a trustee for and seised to the use of the bargainee. The statute then completes the purchase; that is, the
bargain vests the use, and the statute vests the possession.
B'ARGAIN, verb intransitive To make a contract or conclusive agreement, for the transfer of property; often with for before the thing purchased; as, to bargain for a house. A bargained with B for his farm.
B'ARGAIN, verb transitive To sell; to transfer for a consideration; as, A bargained away his farm; a popular use of the word.