American Dictionary of the English Language

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BEHINDHAND, adjective [behind and hand.] In arrear; in an exhausted state; in a state in which rent or profit has been anticipated, and expenditures precede the receipt of funds to supply them. In popular use, a state of poverty, in which the means of living are not adequate to the end. Also, in a state of backwardness, in which a particular business has been delayed beyond the proper season for performing it; as, he is behindhand in his business.

BEHINDHAND with, is behind in progress; not upon equal terms in forwardness; as to be behindhand with the fashionable world.

This word is really an adjective, as it is applied to the person rather than to the verb; but like adrift, aloft, ashamed, and several other words, never precedes the noun. Shakespeare's 'behindhand slackness.' therefore, according to present usage, is not a legitimate phrase.