American Dictionary of the English Language

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BREEZE, noun A genus of flies or insects, technically called Tabanus. There are many species, but the most noted is the bovinus, great horsefly, whose mouth is armed with two hooks which penetrate the skin of an animal, while with a proboscis, like a sting, it sucks the blood.

BREEZE, noun [Gr. to boil.]

1. A light wind; a gentle gale.

From land a gentle breeze arose at night.

2. A shifting wind, that blows from the sea or from the land, for a certain time, by night or by day. Such breezes are common in the tropical regions, and in a good degree regular. The wind from the sea is called a sea breeze and that from the land, a land breeze In general, the sea breeze blows in the day time, and the land breeze at night. The like breezes are common, in the summer months, in the temperate latitudes.

BREEZE, verb intransitive To blow gently; a word common among seamen.

For now the breathing airs, from ocean born,

BREEZE up the bay, and lead the lively morn.