CHERRY, noun The fruit of a tree, a species of Prunus, of which there are many varieties, as the red or garden cherry the red heart, the white heart, the black cherry the black heart, and several others. The fruit is a pulp inclosing a kernel. It is related that this fruit was brought from Cerasus in Pontus to Italy, after the defeat of Mithridates by Lucullus, A R. 680., and introduced into England by the Romans, about 120 years afterwards, adjective D. 55.
Barbadoes cherry is the genus Malpighia, of several species. The berries are red, cherry-shaped, acid and eatable.
Bird cherry is a species of Prunus, the common laurel or lauro-cerasus.
Also, the Prunus padus.
Cornelian cherry is the fruit of the Cornus, cornel-tree or dogwood. It is a small, acid, cherry-like, eatable berry.
Dwarf cherry is the fruit of a species of Lonicera, or honey-suckle.
Hottentot-cherry, is the fruit of a species of Cassine. The fruit is a trispermous berry of a dark purple color.
Winter-cherry, is a name of the fruit of the Physalis, a genus of many species. It is a berry of the size of a small cherry inclosed in an inflated, bladder-like calyx. This name is also given to a species of Solanum.
CHERRY, adjective Like a red cherry in color; red, ruddy, blooming; as a cherry lip; cherry cheeks.
CHERRY, noun A cordial composed of cherry juice and spirit, sweetened, and diluted. The wild cherry is most generally used for this purpose, being steeped for some days in spirit, which extracts the juice of the fruit; the tincture is then sweetened and diluted to the taste. This cordial is moderately bitter and astringent. It is sometimes made of the mazzard.