American Dictionary of the English Language

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CHILI, adjective

1. Cool; moderately cold; tending to cause shivering; as the chill vapors of night.

2. Shivering with cold.

My chill veins freeze with despair.

3. Cool; distant; formal; dull; not warm, animated or affectionate; as a chill reception.

4. Depressed; dispirited; dejected; discouraged.

CHILL, verb transitive

1. To cause a shivering, or shrinking of the skin; to check circulation or motion; as, to chill the blood, or the veins. The force of this word lies in expressing the shivering and shrinking caused by cold.

2. To make cold, or cool; as, the evening air chills the earth.

3. To blast with cold; to check the circulation in plants, and stop their growth.

4. To check motion, life or action; to depress; to deject; to discourage; as, to chill the gayety of the spirits.