1. The act of moving or passing round; as the periodical circuit of the earth round the sun, or of the moon round the earth.
2. The space inclosed in a circle, or within certain limits.
3. Any space or extent measured by traveling round.
4. That which encircles; a ring; a diadem.
5. In England, the journey of judges through several counties or boroughs, for the purpose of holding courts. In the United States, the journey of judges through certain states or counties for the same purpose.
6. The counties or states in which the same judge or judges hold courts and administer justice. It is common to designate a certain number of counties to form a circuit and to assign one or more judges to each circuit The courts in the circuits are called circuit courts. In the government of the United States, a certain number of states form a circuit
7. A long deduction of reason.
8. In law, a longer course of proceedings than is necessary to recover the thing sued for.
Bailey gives this as the definition of circuity.
CIRCUIT, verb intransitive To move in a circle; to go round.
CIRCUIT, verb transitive To move or go round.