CLEAN, adjective In a general sense, free from extraneous matter, or whatever is injurious or offensive; hence its signification depends on the nature and qualities of the substances to which it is applied.
1. Free from dirt, or other foul matter; as clean water; a clean cup; a clean floor.
2. Free from weeds or stones; as clean land; a clean garden or field.
3. Free from knots or branches; as clean timber. In America, clear is generally used.
4. Free from moral impurity; innocent.
Who can bring a clean thing out of an unclean? Job 14:4. Acts 18:6.
5. Free from ceremonial defilement. Leviticus 10:10; Numbers 19:9.
6. Free from guilt; sanctified; holy. John 13:10. Psalms 51:7.
7. That might be eaten by the Hebrews. Genesis 7:2; Genesis 8:20.
8. That might be used. Luke 11:39.
9. Free from a foul disease; cured of leprosy. 2 Kings 5:10. Math. 8.
10. Dextrous; adroit; not bungling; free from awkwardness; as a clean feat; a clean boxer.
11. Free from infection; as a clean ship. A clean bill of health is a certificate that a ship is clean or free from infection.
CLEAN, adverb
1. Quite; perfectly; wholly; entirely; fully; indicating separation or complete removal of every part. The people passed clean over Jordan. Joshua 3:17. Is his mercy clean gone forever? Psalms 77:8. This use of clean is not now elegant, and not used except in vulgar language.
2. Without miscarriage; dextrously.
Pope came off clean with Homer.
CLEAN, verb transitive To remove all foreign matter from; to separate from any thing whatever is extraneous to it, or whatever is foul, noxious, or offensive, as dirt or filth from the hands, body or clothes, foul matter from a vessel, weeds, shrubs and stones from a meadow; to purify. Thus, a house is cleaned by sweeping and washing; a field is cleaned by plowing and hoeing.