CLEAR, adjective
1. Open; free from obstruction; as a clear plat of ground; the way is clear
2. Free from clouds, or fog; serene; as a clear day.
3. Free from foreign matter; unmixed; pure; as clear water; clear sand; clear air; clear glass.
4. Free from any thing that creates doubt or uncertainty; apparent; evident; manifest; not obscure; conspicuous; that is, open to the mind; as, the reason is clear
5. Unclouded; luminous; not obscured; as a clear sun; a clear shining after a rain. 2 Samuel 23:4.
6. Unobstructed; unobscured; as a clear view.
7. Perspicacious; sharp; as a clear sight.
8. Not clouded with care, or ruffled by passion; cheerful; serene; as a clear aspect.
9. Evident; undeniable; indisputable; as the victory was clear
10. Quick to understand; prompt; acute.
Mother of science, now I feel thy power within me clear
11. Free from guilt or blame; innocent; unspotted; irreproachable. 2 Corinthians 7:11.
In action faithful, and in honor clear
12. Free from bias; unprepossessed; not preoccupied; impartial; as a clear judgment.
13. Free from debt, or obligation; not liable to prosecution; as, to be clear of debt or responsibility.
14. Free from deductions, or charges; as clear gain or profit.
15. Not entangled; unembarrassed; free; as, the cable is clear A ship is clear when she is so remote from shore or other object, as to be out of danger of striking, or to have sea room sufficient.
16. Open; distinct; not jarring, or harsh; as a clear sound; a clear voice.
17. Liberated; freed; acquitted of charges; as, a man has been tried and got clear
18. Free from spots or any thing that disfigures; as a clear skin.
CLEAR is followed by from or by of.
Thou shalt be clear from this my oath. Genesis 24:8.
The air is clear of damp exhalations.
CLEAR, adverb
1. Plainly; not obscurely; manifestly.
2. Clean; quite; entirely; wholly; indicating entire separation; as, to cut a piece clear off; to go clear away; but in this sense its use is not elegant.
CLEAR or in the clear among joiners and carpenters, denotes the space within walls, or length and breadth clear or exclusive of the thickness of the wall.
CLEAR, verb transitive
1. To make clear; to fine; to remove any thing foreign; to separate from any foul matter; to purify; to clarify; as, to clear liquors.
2. To free from obstructions; as, to clear the road.
3. To free from any thing noxious or injurious; as, to clear the ocean of pirates; to clear the land of enemies.
4. To remove any incumbrance, or embarrassment; often followed by off or away; as, to clear off debts; to clear away rubbish.
5. To free; to liberate, or disengage; to exonerate; as, to clear a man from debt, obligation, or duty.
6. To cleanse; as, to clear the hands from filth; to clear the bowels.
7. To remove any thing that obscures, as clouds or fog; to make bright; as, to clear the sky; sometimes followed by up.
8. To free from obscurity, perplexity or ambiguity; as, to clear a question or theory; to clear up a case or point.
9. To urge from the imputation of guilt; to justify or vindicate.
How shall we clear ourselves? Genesis 44:16.
That will by no means clear the guilty. Exodus 34:7.
10. In a legal sense, to acquit on trial, by verdict; as, the prisoner has been tried and cleared.
11. To make gain or profit, beyond all expenses and charges; as, to clear ten percent by a sale of goods, or by a voyage.
12. To remove wood from land. To cut down trees, remove or burn them, and prepare land for tillage or pasture; as, to clear land for wheat.
CLEAR, verb intransitive
1. To become free from clouds or fog; to become fair; often followed by up, off, or away; as, the sky clears; the weather clears up; it clears away; it clears off.
2. To be disengaged from incumbrances, distress or entanglements; to become free or disengaged.
He that clears at once will relapse.