American Dictionary of the English Language

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CLUB, noun

1. Properly, a stick or piece or wood with one end thicker and heavier than the other, and no larger than can be wielded with the hand.

2. A thick heavy stick, that may be managed with the hand, and used for beating, or defense. In early ages, a club was a principal instrument of war and death; a fact remarkably perpetuated in the accounts which history relates of the achievements of Hercules with his club Plin. Lib. 7. Ca. 56. This use of the club was the origin of the scepter, as a badge of royalty.

3. The name of one of the suits of cards; so named from its figure.

4. A collection or assembly of men; usually a select number of friends met for social or literary purposes. Any small private meeting of persons.

5. A collection of expenses the expenses of a company, or unequal expenses of individuals, united for the purpose of finding the average or proportion of each individual. Hence the share of each individual in joint expenditure is called his club that is, his proportion of a club or joint charge.

6. Contribution; joint charge.

CLUB, verb intransitive

1. To join, as a number of individuals, to the same end; to contribute separate powers to one end, purpose or effect.

Till grosser atoms, tumbling in the stream

Of fancy, madly met, and clubbed into a dream.

2. To pay an equal proportion of a common reckoning or charge.

CLUB, verb transitive

1. To unite different sums of expense, in a common sum or collection, to find the average, that each contributor may pay an equal share.

2. In common parlance, to raise or turn uppermost the britch or club of a musket; as, the soldiers clubbed their muskets.