COMPACT, adjective
1. Closely and firmly united, as the particles of solid bodies; firm; close; solid; dense. Stone, iron and wood are compact bodies. A compact leaf, in botany, is one having the pulp of a close firm texture.
2. Composed; consisting.
A wandering fire,
COMPACT of unctuous vapor.
3. Joined; held together.
A pipe of seven reeds, compact with wax together.
4. Brief; close; pithy; not diffuse; not verbose; as a compact discourse.
COMPACT, noun An agreement; a contract between parties; a word that may be applied, in a general sense, to any covenant or contract between individuals; but it is more generally applied to agreements between nations and states, as treaties and confederacies. So the constitution of the United States is a political contract between the States; a national compact Or the word is applied to the agreement of the individuals of a community.
The law of nations depends on mutual compacts, treaties, leagues, etc.
In the beginnings of speech there was an implicit compact founded on common consent.
COMPACT, verb transitive
1. To thrust, drive or press closely together; to join firmly; to consolidate; to make close; as the parts which compose a body.
Now the bright sun compacts the precious stone.
2. To unite or connect firmly, as in a system.
The whole body fitly joined together and compacted. Ephesians 4:16.
3. To league with.
Thou pernicious woman,
COMPACT with her thats gone.
4. To compose or make out of.
If he, compact of jars, grow musical.
In the two last examples, compact is used for compacted.