COMPARE, verb transitive
1. To set or bring things together in fact or in contemplation, and to examine the relations they bear to each other, with a view to ascertain their agreement or disagreement; as, to compare two pieces of cloth, two tables, or coins; to compare reasons and arguments; to compare pleasure with pain.
in comparing movable things, it is customary to bring them together, for examination. In comparing thins immovable or remote, and abstract ideas, we bring them together in the mind, as far as we are able, and consider them in connection. Comparison therefore is really collation, or it includes it.
2. To liken; to represent as similar, for the purpose of illustration.
Solon compared the people to the sea, and orators and counselors to the winds; for that the sea would be calm and quiet, it the winds did not trouble it.
In this sense compare is followed by to.
3. To examine the relations of thins to each other, with a view to discover their relative proportions, quantities or qualities; as, to compare two kingdoms, or two mountains with each other; to compare the number ten with fifteen; to compare ice with crystal; to compare a clown with a dancing master or a dandy.
In this sense compare is followed by with.
4. In grammar, to form an adjective in the degrees of comparison; as blackish, black, blacker, blackest.
5. To get; to procure; to obtain; as in Latin.
COMPARE, verb intransitive
1. To hold comparison; to be like or equal.
2. Simile; similitude; illustration by comparison.
[This noun is in use, but cannot be considered as elegant.]