CONJUGATE, verb transitive [Latin , to couple; to yoke, to marry. See Join and Yoke.]
1. To join; to unite in marriage. [Not now used.]
2. In grammar, to distribute the parts or inflections of a verb, into the several voices, modes, tenses, numbers and persons, so as to show their connections, distinctions, and modes of formation. Literally, to connect all the inflectious of a verb, according to their derivation, or all the variations of one verb. In English, as the verb undergoes few variations, conjugation consists chiefly in combining the words which unitedly form the several tenses in the several persons.
CONJUGATE, noun A word agreeing in derivation with another word, and therefore generally resembling it in signification.
We have learned in logic, that conjugates are sometimes in name only, and not in deed.
CONJUGATE, adjective In botany, a conjugate leaf is a pinnate leaf which has only one pair of leaflets; a conjugate raceme has two racemes only, united by a common peduncle.
CONJUGATE diameter or axis, in geometry, a right line bisecting the transverse diameter; the shortest of the two diameters of an ellipses.