CONSIDERABLE, adjective [See Consider.]
1. That may be considered; that is to be observed, remarked or attended to.
It is considerable that some urns have had inscriptions on them, expressing that the lamps were burning.
[This primary use of the word is obsolescent or very Rarely used.]
2. Worthy of consideration; worthy of regard or attention.
Eternity is infinitely the most considerable duration.
As that which is worthy of regard is in some measure important, hence
3. Respectable; deserving of notice; of some distinction; applied to persons.
Men considerable in all worthy professions, eminent in many ways of life.
4. Important; valuable; or moderately large, according to the subject. considerable aid was expected from the allies. A man has a considerable estate in Norfolk. A considerable sum of money was collected. Sometimes followed by to. He thought his aid considerable to him.