American Dictionary of the English Language

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CONSUME, verb transitive [Latin , to take. So in English we say, it takes up time, that is, it consumes time.]

1. To destroy, by separating the parts of a thing, by decomposition, as by fire, or eating, devouring, and annihilating the form of a substance. Fire consumes wood, coal, stubble; animals consume flesh and vegetables.

2. To destroy by dissipating or by use; to expend; to waste; to squander; as, to consume an estate.

Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. James 4:3.

3. To spend; to cause to pass away, as time; as, to consume the day in idleness.

Their days did he consume in vanity. Psalms 78:33.

4. To cause to disappear; to waste slowly.

My flesh is consumed away. Job 38:1.

5. To destroy; to bring to utter ruin; to exterminate.

Let me alone-- that I may consume them. Exodus 32:10.

CONSUME, verb intransitive To waste away slowly; to be exhausted.

Their flesh--their eyes--their tongue shall consume away. Zechariah 14:12.

The wicked shall perish--they shall consume Psalms 37:20.