CONVEY, verb transitive [Latin , to carry; to weigh. See Weigh and Way.]
1. To carry , bear or transport, either by land or water, or in air; as, to convey a letter or a package; to convey goods from England to France.
2. To pass or cause to pass; to transmit; as, to convey a right or an estate from father to son.
3. To transfer; to pass a title to any thing from one person to another, as by deed, assignment or otherwise; as, to convey lands by bargain and sale.
4. To cause to pass; to transmit; to carry, by any medium; as, air conveys sound; words convey ideas.
5. To manage; to carry on. [Not used.]
I will convey the business as I shall find means.
6. To impart; to communicate.