COUNTRY, noun [Latin , land adjacent to a city. Hence the citizen says, let us go into the country The Latin has conterraneus, a countryman.]
1. Properly, the land lying about or near a city; the territory situated in the vicinity of a city. Our friend has a seat in the country a few miles from town. See Mark 5:1. Luke 8:26. Hence,
2. The whole territory of a kingdom or state, as opposed to city. We say, the gentleman has a seat in the country at any distance from town indefinitely. Hence,
3. Any tract of land, or inhabited land; any region, as distinguished from other regions; a kingdom, state or lesser district. We speak of all the countries of Europe or Asia.
And they came into the country of Moab. Ruth 1:1.
4. The kingdom , state or territory in which one is born; the land of nativity; or the particular district indefinitely in which one is born. America is my country or Connecticut is my country
Laban said, it must not be so done in our country Genesis 29:26.
5. The region in which one resides.
He sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country Hebrews 11:9.
6. Land, as opposed to water; or inhabited territory.
The shipmen deemed that they drew near to some country Acts 27:27.
7. The inhabitants of a region.
All the country wept with a loud voice. 2 Samuel 15:23.
8. A place of residence; a region of permanent habitation.
They declare plainly that they seek a country Hebrews 11:9.
They desire a better country a heavenly. Hebrews 11:9.
9. In law, a jury or jurors; as, trial by the country per pais.
COUNTRY, adjective
1. Pertaining to the country or territory at a distance from a city; rural; rustic; as a country town; a country seat; a country squire; a country life; the country party, as opposed to city party.
2. Pertaining or peculiar to ones own country
He spoke in his country language.
3. Rude; ignorant.
COUNTRY-dance, and erroneous orthography. [See Contra-dance.]