CRAWL, verb intransitive
1. To creep; to move slowly by thrusting or drawing the body along the ground, as a worm; or to move slowly on the hands and knees or feet, as a human being. A worm crawls on the earth; a boy crawls into a cavern, or up a tree.
2. To move or walk weakly, slowly, or timorously.
He was hardly able to crawl about the room.
3. To creep; to advance slowly and slyly; to insinuate ones self; as, to crawl into favor. [This use is vulgar.]
4. To move about; to move in any direction; used in contempt.
Absurd opinions crawl about the world.
5. To have the sensation of insects creeping about the body; as, the flesh crawls.
CRAWL, noun A pen or inclosure of stakes and hurdles on the sea coast for containing fish.