American Dictionary of the English Language

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DAWN, verb intransitive

1. To begin to grow light in the morning; to grow light; as, the day dawns; the morning dawns.

It began to dawn towards the first day of the

week. Matthew 28:1.

2. To begin to open or expand; to begin to show intellectual light, or knowledge; as, the genius of the youth begins to dawn

When life awakes and dawns at every line. Pope.

3. To glimmer obscurely.

4. To begin to open or appear.

DAWN, noun 1. The break of day; the first appearance of light, in the morning.

They arose about the dawn of the day. Joshua 6:1.

The word may express the whole time from the first appearance of light to sunrise.

2. First opening or expansion; first appearance of intellectual light; as the dawn of genius, intellect, or mental powers.

3. Beginning; rise; first appearance; as the dawn of time.

4. A feeble or incipient light; first beams.

These tender circumstances diffuse a dawn of serenity over the soul. Pope.