1. Any thing that opposes attack, violence, danger or injury; any thing that secures the person, the rights or the possessions of men; fortification; guard; protection; security. A wall, a parapet, a ditch, or a garrison, is the defense of a city or fortress. The Almighty is the defense of the righteous. Psalms 59:16.
2. Vindication; justification; apology; that which repels or disproves a charge or accusation.
Men, brethren, fathers, hear ye my defense Acts 22:1.
3. In law, the defendants reply to the plaintiffs declaration, demands or charges.
4. Prohibition.
5. Resistance; opposition.
6. The science of defending against enemies; military skill.
7. In fortification, a work that flanks another.
DEFENSE, verb transitive To defend by fortification.