American Dictionary of the English Language

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DIP, verb transitive preterit tense and participle passive dipped or dipt. [G.]

1. To plunge or immerse, for a moment or short time, in water or other liquid substance; to put into a fluid and withdraw.

The priest shall dip his finger int he blood. Leviticus 4:6.

Let him dip his foot in oil. Deuteronomy 33:24.

One dip the pencil, and one string the lyre.

2. To take with a ladle or other vessel by immersing it in a fluid, as to dip water from a boiler; often with out, as to dip out water.

3. To engage; to take concern; used intransitively, but the passive participle is used.

He was a little dipt in the rebellion of the commons.

4. To engage as a pledge; to mortgage. [Little Used.]

5. To moisten; to wet. [Unusual.]

6. To baptize by immersion.

DIP, verb intransitive

1. To sink; to emerge in a liquid.

2. To enter; to pierce.

3. To engage; to take a concern; as, to dip into the funds.

4. To enter slightly; to look cursorily, or here and there; as, to dip into a volume of history.

5. To choose by chance; to thrust and take.

6. To incline downward; as, the magnetic needle dips. [See Dipping.]

DIP, noun Inclination downward; a sloping; a direction below a horizontal line; depression; as the dip of the needle. The dip of a stratum, in geology, is its greatest inclination to the horizon, or that on a line perpendicular to its direction or course; called also the pitch.