DIRECT, adjective [Latin , to make straight. See Right.]
1. Straight; right; as, to pass in a direct line from one body or place to another. It is opposed to crooked, winding, oblique. It is also opposed to refracted; as a direct ray of light.
2. In astronomy, appearing to move forward in the zodiac, in the direction of the sign; opposed to retrograde; as, the motion of a planet is direct
3. In the line of father and sons; opposed to collateral; as a descendant in the direct line.
4. Leading or tending to an end, as by a straight line or course; not circuitous. Thus we speak of direct means to effect an object; a direct course; a direct way.
5. Open; not ambiguous or doubtful.
6. Plain; express; not ambiguous; as, he said this in direct words; he made a direct acknowledgment.
7. In music, a direct interval is that which forms any kind of harmony on the fundamental sound which produces it; as the fifth, major third and octave.
DIRECT tax, is a tax assess on real estate, as houses and lands.
DIRECT, verb transitive [Latin]
1. To point or aim in a straight line, towards a place or object; as, to direct an arrow or a piece of ordnance; to direct the eye; to direct a course or flight.
2. To point; to show the right road or course; as, he directed me to the left hand road.
3. To regulate; to guide or lead; to govern; to cause to proceed in a particular manner; as, to direct the affairs of a nation.
Wisdom is profitable to direct Ecclesiastes 10:10.
4. To prescribe a course; to mark out a way. Job 37:3.
5. To order; to instruct; to point out a course of proceeding, with authority; to command. But direct is a softer term than command.
DIRECT, noun In music, a character placed at the end of a stave to direct the performer to the first note of the next stave.