American Dictionary of the English Language

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DISJUNCTIVE, adjective

1. Separating; disjoining.

2. Incapable of union. [Unusual.]

3. In grammar, a disjunctive conjunction or connective, is a word which unites sentences or the parts of discourse in construction, but disjoins the sense, noting an alternative or opposition; as, I love him, or I fear him; I neither love him, nor fear him.

4. In logic, a disjunctive proposition, is one in which the parts are opposed to each other, by means of disjunctive; as, it is either day or night. A disjunctive syllogism, is when the major proposition is disjunctive; as, the earth moves in a circle, or an ellipsis; but it does not move in a circle, therefore it moves in an ellipsis.

DISJUNCTIVE, noun. A word that disjoins, as or, nor, neither.