DISORDER, noun [dis and order.]
1. Want of order or regular disposition; irregularity; immethodical distribution; confusion; a word of general application; as, the troops were thrown into disorder; the papers are in disorder
2. Tumult; disturbance of the peace of society; as, the city is sometimes troubled with the disorders of its citizens.
3. Neglect of rule; irregularity.
From vulgar bounds with brave disorder part, and snatch a grace beyond the reach of art.
4. Breach of laws; violation of standing rules, or institutions.
5. Irregularity, disturbance or interruption of the functions of the animal economy; disease; distemper; sickness. [See Disease.] disorder however is more frequently used to express a slight disease.
6. Discomposure of the mind; turbulence of passions.
7. Irregularity in the functions of the brain; derangement of the intellect or reason.
DISORDER, verb transitive
1. To break order; to derange; to disturb any regular disposition or arrangement of things; to put out of method; to throw into confusion; to confuse; applicable to every thing susceptible of order.
2. To disturb or interrupt the natural functions of the animal economy; to produce sickness or indisposition; as, to disorder the head or stomach.
3. To discompose or disturb the mind; to ruffle.
4. To disturb the regular operations of reason; to derange; as, the mans reason is disordered.
5. To depose from holy orders. [Unusual.]