DISTANCE, noun [Latin , to stand apart; to stand.]
1. An interval or space between two objects; the length of the shortest line which intervenes between two things that are separate; as a great or small distance distance may be aline, an inch, a mile, or any indefinite length; as the distance between the sun and Saturn.
2. Preceded by at, remoteness of place.
He waits at distance till he hears from Cato.
3. Preceded by thy, his, your, her, their, a suitable space, or such remoteness as is common or becoming; as, let him keep his distance; keep your distance [See No. 8.]
4. A space marked on the course where horses run.
This horse ran the whole field out of distance
5. Space of time; any indefinite length of time, past or future, intervening between two periods or events; as the distance of an hour, of a year, of an age.
6. Ideal space or separation.
Qualities that affect our senses are, in the things themselves, so united and blended, that there is no distance between them.
7. Contrariety; opposition.
Banquo was your enemy, so he is mine, and in such bloody distance--
8. The remoteness which respect requires; hence, respect.
I hope your modesty will know what distance to the crown is due.
Tis by respect and distance that authority is upheld.
[See No. 3]
9. Reserve; coldness; alienation of heart.
On the part of heaven now alientated, distance and distaste.
10. Remoteness in succession or relation; as the distance between a descendant and his ancestor.
11. In music, the interval between two notes; as the distance of a fourth or seventh.
DISTANCE, verb transitive
1. To place remote; to throw off from the view.
2. To leave behind in a race; ; to win the race by a great superiority.
3. To leave at a great distance behind.
He distanced the most skillful of his cotemporaries.