DISTASTE, noun [dis and taste.]
1. Aversion of the taste; dislike of food or drink; disrelish; disgust, or a slight degree of it. distaste for a particular kind of food may be constitutional, or the effect of a diseased stomach.
2. Dislike; uneasiness.
Prosperity is not without many fears and distastes, and adversity is not without comfort and hopes.
3. Dislike; displeasure; alienation of affection.
DISTASTE, verb transitive
1. To disrelish; to dislike; to lothe; as, to distaste drugs or poisons.
2. To offend; to disgust.
He thought it no policy to distaste the English or Irish, but sought to please them.
3. To vex; to displease; to sour.
[The two latter significations are rare.]