DRAG, verb transitive [G., Latin See Drink and Drench.]
1. To pull; to haul; to draw along the ground by main force; applied particularly to drawing heavy things with labor, along the ground or other surface; as, to drag stone or timber; to drag a net in fishing. John 21:8.
2. To break land by drawing a drag or harrow over it; to harrow; a common use of this word in New England.
3. To draw along slowly or heavily; to draw any thing burdensome; as, to drag a lingering life.
4. To draw along in contempt, as unworthy to be carried.
He drags me at his chariot-wheels.
To drag one in chains.
5. To pull or haul about roughly and forcibly.
In seamens language, to drag an anchor, is to draw or trail it along the bottom when loosened, or when the anchor will not hold the ship.
DRAG, verb intransitive
1. To hang so low as to trail on the ground.
2. To fish with a drag; as, they have been dragging for fish all day, with little success.
3. To be drawn along; as, the anchor drags.
4. To be moved slowly; to proceed heavily; as, this business drags.
5. To hang or grate on the floor, as a door.
DRAG, noun
1. Something to be drawn along the ground, as a net or a hook.
2. A particular kind of harrow.
3. A car; a low cart.
4. In sea-language, a machine consisting of a sharp square frame of iron, encircled with a net, used to take the wheel off from the platform or bottom of the decks.
5. Whatever is drawn; a boat in tow; whatever serves to retard a ships way.