DULL, adjective [G.]
1. Stupid; doltish; blockish; slow of understanding; as a lad of dull genius.
2. Heavy; sluggish; without life or spirit; as a surfeit leaves a man very dull
3. Slow of motion; sluggish; as a dull stream.
4. Slow of hearing or seeing; as dull of hearing; dull of seeing.
5. Slow to learn or comprehend; unready; awkward; as a dull scholar.
6. Sleepy; drowsy.
7. Sad; melancholy.
8. Gross; cloggy; insensible; as the dull earth.
9. Not pleasing or delightful; not exhilarating; cheerless; as, to make dictionaries is dull work.
10. Not bright or clear; clouded; tarnished; as, the mirror is dull
11. Not bright; not briskly burning; as a dull fire.
12 Dim; obscure; not vivid; as a dull light.
13. Blunt; obtuse; having a thick edge; as a dull knife or ax.
14. Cloudy; overcast; not clear; not enlivening; as dull weather.
15. With seamen, being without wind; as, a ship has a dull time.
16. Not lively or animated; as a dull eye.
DULL, verb transitive
1. To make dull; to stupify; as, to dull the senses.
2. To blunt; as, to dull a sword or an ax.
3. To make sad or melancholy.
4. To hebetate; to make insensible or slow to perceive; as, to dull the ears; to dull the wits.
5. To damp; to render lifeless; as, to dull the attention.
6. To make heavy or slow of motion; as, to dull industry.
7. To sully; to tarnish or cloud; as, the breath dulls a mirror.
DULL, verb intransitive To become dull or blunt; to become stupid.