DUN, adjective
1. Of a dark color; of a color partaking of a brown and black; of a dull brown color; swarthy.
2. Dark; gloomy.
In the dun air sublime.
DUN, verb transitive To cure, as fish, in a manner to give them a dun color. [See Dunning.]
DUN, verb transitive [See Din.]
1. Literally, to clamor for payment of a debt. Hence, to urge for payment; to demand a debt in a pressing manner; to urge for payment with importunity. But in common usage, dun is often used in a milder sense, and signifies to call for, or ask for payment.
2. To urge importunately, in a general sense, but not an elegant word.
DUN, noun
1. An importunate creditor who urges for payment.
2. An urgent request or demand of payment in writing; as, he sent his debtor a dun
3. An eminence or mound. [See Down and Town.]