American Dictionary of the English Language

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ELECT', verb transitive [Latin electus, from eligo; e or ex and lego; Gr. to choose.]

1. Properly, to pick out; to select from among two or more, that which is preferred. Hence,

2. To select or take for an office or employment; to choose from among a number; to select or manifest preference by vote or designation; as, to elect a representative by ballot or viva voce; to elect a president or governor.

3. In theology, to designate, choose or select as an object of mercy or favor.

4. To choose; to prefer; to determine in favor of.

ELECT', adjective Chosen, taken by preference from among two or more. Hence,

1. In theology, chosen as the object of mercy; chosen, selected or designated to eternal life; predestinated in the divine counsels.

2. Chosen, but no inaugurated, consecrated or invested with office; as bishop elect; emperor elect; governor or mayor elect But in the scriptures, and in theology, this word is generally used as a noun.

ELECT', noun One chosen or set apart; applied to Christ.

Behold my servant, whom I uphold; mine elect in whom my soul delighteth. Isaiah 42:1.

1. Chosen or designated by God to salvation; predestinated to glory as the end, and to sanctification as the means; usually with a plural signification, the elect

Shall not God avenge his own elect? Luke 18:7.

If it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect Matthew 24:24.

He shall send his angels--and they shall gather his elect from the four winds. Matthew 24:24.

2. Chosen; selected; set apart as a peculiar church and people; applied to the Israelites. Isaiah 45:4.