American Dictionary of the English Language

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EMBRA'CE, verb transitive

1. To take, clasp or inclose in the arms; to press to the bosom, in token of affection.

Paul called to him the disciples and embraced them. Acts 20:1.

2. To seize eagerly; to lay hold on; to receive or take with willingness that which is offered; as, to embrace the christian religion; to embrace the opportunity of doing a favor.

3. To comprehend; to include or take in; as, natural philosophy embraces many sciences.

4. To comprise; to inclose; to encompass; to contain; to encircle.

Low at his feet a spacious plain is placed,

Between the mountain and the stream embraced.

5. To receive; to admit.

6. To find; to take; to accept.

Fleance--must embrace the fate

Of that dark hour.

7. To have carnal intercourse with.

8. To put on.

9. To attempt to influence a jury corruptly.

EMBRA'CE, verb intransitive To join in an embrace

EMBRA'CE, noun Inclosure or clasp with the arms; pressure to the bosom with the arms.

1. Reception of one thing into another.

2. Sexual intercourse; conjugal endearment.