ERECT', adjective [Latin erectus, from erigo, to set upright; e and rego, to stretch or make straight, right, rectus. See Right.]
1. Upright, or in a perpendicular posture; as, he stood erect
2. Directed upward.
And suppliant hands, to heaven erect
3. Upright and firm; bold; unshaken.
Let no vain fear thy generous ardor tame;
But stand erect
4. Raised; stretched; intent; vigorous; as a vigilant and erect attention of mind in prayer.
5. Stretched; extended.
6. In botany, an erect stem is one which is without support from twining, or nearly perpendicular; an erect leaf is one which grows close to the stem; an erect flower has its aperture directed upwards.
ERECT', verb transitive To raise and set in an upright or perpendicular direction, or nearly such; as, to erect a pole or flag-staff.
To erect a perpendicular, is to set or form one line on another at right angles.
1. To raise, as a building; to set up; to build; as, to erect a house or temple; to erect a fort.
2. To set up or establish anew; to found; to form; as, to erect a kingdom or commonwealth; to erect a new system or theory.
3. To elevate; to exalt.
I am far from pretending to infallibility; that would be to erect myself into an apostle.
4. To raise; to excite; to animate; to encourage.
Why should not hope
As much erect our thoughts, as fear deject them?
5. To raise a consequence from premises. [Little Used.]
Malebranche erects this proposition.
6. To extend; to distend.
ERECT', verb intransitive To rise upright.