EXEMPT', verb transitive egzemt' [Latin eximo, exemptus; ex and emo, to take.]
Literally, to take out or from; hence, to free, or permit to be free, from any charge, burden, restraint, duty, evil or requisition, to which others are subject; to privilege; to grant immunity from. Officers and students of colleges are exempted from military duty. No man is exempted from pain and suffering. The laws of God exempt no man from the obligation to obedience.
Certain abbeys claimed to be exempted from the jurisdiction of their bishops.
EXEMPT', adjective Free from any service, charge, burden, tax, duty, evil or requisition, to which others are subject; not subject; not liable to; as, to be exempt from military duty, or from a poll tax; to be exempt from pain or fear. Peers in G. Britain are exempt from serving on inquests.
1. Free by privilege; as exempt from the jurisdiction of a lord or of a court.
2. Free; clear; not included.
3. Cut off from. [Not used.]
EXEMPT', noun One who is exempted or freed from duty; one not subject.