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EX'ILE, noun eg'zile. [Latin exilium, exul; The word is probably compounded of ex and a root in Sl, signifying to depart, or cut off, to separate, or the thrust away, perhaps Latin salio.]

1. Banishment; the state of being expelled from one's native country or place of residence by authority, and forbid to return, either for a limited time or for perpetuity.

2. An abandonment of one's country, or removal to a foreign country for residence, through fear, disgust or resentment, or for any cause distinct from business, is called a voluntary exile as is also a separation from one's country and friends by distress or necessity.

3. The person banished, or expelled from his country by authority; also, one who abandons his country and resides in another; or one who is separated from his country and friends by necessity.

EX'ILE, verb transitive To banish, as a person from his country or from a particular jurisdiction by authority, with a prohibition of return; to drive away, expel or transport from one's country.

1. To drive from one's country by misfortune, necessity or distress.

To exile one's self, is to quit one's country with a view not to return

EX'ILE, adjective eg'zil, [Latin exilis.] Slender; thin; fine.