EXPRESS', verb transitive [Latin expressum, exprimo; ex and premo, to press. See Press.]
1. To press or squeeze out; to force out by pressure; as, to express the juice of grapes or of apples.
2. To utter; to declare in words; to speak. He expressed his ideas or his meaning with precision. His views were expressed in very intelligible terms.
3. To write or engrave; to represent in written words or language. The covenants in the deed are well expressed.
4. To represent; to exhibit by copy or resemblance.
So kids and whelps their sires and dams express
5. To represent or show by imitation or the imitative arts; to form a likeness; as in painting or sculpture.
Each skilful artist shall express thy form.
6. To show or make known; to indicate.
A downcast eye or look may express humility, shame or guilt.
7. To denote; to designate.
Moses and Aaron took these men, who are expressed by their names. Numbers 1:17.
8. To extort; to elicit. [Little Used.]
EXPRESS', adjective Plain; clear; expressed; direct not ambiguous. We are informed in express terms or words. The terms of the contract are express
1. Given in direct terms; not implied or left to inference. This is the express covenant or agreement. We have his express consent. We have an express law on the subject. express warranty; express malice.
2. Copied; resembling; bearing an exact representation.
His face express
3. Intended or sent for a particular purpose, or on a particular errand; as, to send a messenger express
EXPRESS', noun A messenger sent on a particular errand or occasion; usually, a courier sent to communicate information of an important event, or to deliver; important dispatches. It is applied also to boats or vessels sent to convey important information.
1. A message sent.
2. A declaration in plain terms. [Not in use.]