American Dictionary of the English Language

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FACIL'ITY, noun [Latin facilitas, from facilis, easy.]

1. Easiness to be performed; freedom from difficulty; ease. He performed the work or operation with great facility

Though facility and hope of success might invite some other choice.

2. Ease of performance; readiness proceeding from skill or use; dexterity. Practice gives a wonderful facility in executing works of art.

3. Pliancy; ductility; easiness to be persuaded; readiness of compliance, usually in a bad sense, implying a disposition to yield to solicitations to evil.

It is a great error to take facility for good nature: tenderness without discretion, is no better than a more pardonable folly.

4. Easiness of access; complaisance; condescension; affability.

He offers himself to the visits of a friend with facility