FLEX'IBLE, adjective [Latin flexibilis, from flecto, flexi, to bend, plico.]
1. That may be bent; capable of being turned or forced from a straight line or form without breaking; pliant; yielding to pressure; not stiff; as a flexible rod; a flexible plant.
2. Capable of yielding to intreaties, arguments or other moral force; that may be persuaded to compliance; not invincibly rigid; or obstinate; not inexorable.
Phocion was a man of great severity, and no ways flexible to the will of the people.
It often denotes, easy or too easy to yield or comply; wavering; inconstant; not firm.
3. Ductile; manageable; tractable; as the tender and flexible minds of youth. flexible years or time of life, the time when the mind is tractable.
4. That may be turned or accommodated.
This was a principle more flexible to their purpose.