American Dictionary of the English Language

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FORK, noun [Latin furca.]

1. an instrument consisting of a handle, and a blade of metal, divided into two or more points or prongs, used for lifting or pitching any thing; as a tablefork for feeding; a pitchfork; a dungfork, etc. forks are also made of ivory, wood or other material.

2. A point; as a thunderbolt with three forks. Shakespeare uses it for the point of an arrow.

3. Forks, in the plural, the point where a road parts into two; and the point where a river divides, or rather where two rivers meet and unite in one stream. Each branch is called a fork

FORK, verb intransitive

1. To shoot into blades, as corn.

2. to divide into two; as, a road forks.

FORK, verb transitive

1. to raise or pitch with a fork as hay.

2. To dig and break ground with a fork

3. To make sharp; to point.