FORM, noun [Latin forma.]
1. The shape or external appearance of a body; the figure, as defined by lines and angles; that manner of being peculiar to each body, which exhibits it to the eye as distinct from every other body. Thus we speak of the form of a circle, the form of a square or triangle, a circular form the form of the head or of the human body, a handsome form an ugly form a frightful form
Matter is the basis or substratum of bodies, form is the particular disposition of matter in each body which distinguishes its appearance from that of every other body.
The form of his visage was changed. Daniel 3:19.
After that he appeared in another form to two of them, as they walked. Mark 16:12.
2. Manner of arranging particulars; disposition of particular things; as a form of words or expressions.
3. Model; draught; pattern.
Hold fast the form of sound words, which thou hast heard of me. 2 Timothy 1:13.
4. Beauty; elegance; splendor; dignity.
He hath no form nor comeliness. Isaiah 53:2.
5. Regularity; method; order. This is a rough draught to be reduced to form
6. External appearance without the essential qualities; empty show.
7. Stated method; established practice; ritual or prescribed mode; as the forms of public worship; the forms of judicial proceeding; forms of civility.
8. Ceremony; as, it is a mere matter of form
9. Determinate shape.
The earth was without form and void. Genesis 1:2.
10. Likeness; image.
Who, being in the form of God - Philippians 2:6.
He took on him the form of a servant.
11. Manner; system; as a form of government; a monarchical or republican form
12. Manner of arrangement; disposition of component parts; as the interior form or structure of the flesh or bones, or of other bodies.
13. A long seat; a bench without a back.
14. In schools, a class; a rank of students.
15. The seat or bed of a hare.
16. A mold; something to give shape, or on which things are fashioned.
17. In printing, an assemblage of types, composed and arranged in order, disposed into pages or columns, and inclosed and locked in a chase, to receive an impression.
18. Essential form is that mode of existence which constitutes a thing what it is, and without which it could not exist. Thus water and light have each its particular form of existence, and the parts of water being decomposed, it ceases to be water. Accidental form is not necessary to the existence of a body. Earth is earth still, whatever may be its color.
FORM, verb transitive [Latin formo.]
1. To make or cause to exist.
And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground.
Gen 2.
2. To shape; to mold or fashion into a particular shape or state; as, to form an image of stone or clay.
3. To plan; to scheme; to modify.
4. To arrange; to combine in a particular manner; as, to form a line or square of troops.
5. To adjust; to settle.
Our differences with the Romanists are thus formed into an interest -
6. To contrive; to invent; as, to form a design or scheme.
7. To make; up; to frame; to settle by deductions of reason; as, to form an opinion or judgment; to form an estimate.
8. To mold; to model by instruction and discipline; as, to form the mind to virtuous habits by education.
9. To combine; to unite individuals into a collective body; as, to form a society for missions.
10. To make; to establish. The subscribers are formed by law into a corporation. They have formed regulations for their government.
11. To compile; as, to form a body of laws or customs; to form a digest.
12. To constitute; to make. Duplicity forms no part of his character. These facts form a safe foundation for our conclusions. The senate and house of representatives form the legislative body.
13. In grammar, to make by derivation, or by affixes or prefixes. Latin do, in the preterit, forms dedi.
14. To enact; to make; to ordain; as, to form a law or an edict.
FORM, verb intransitive To take a form