FRONT, noun [Latin frons, frontis; Gr. the nose.]
1. Properly, the forehead, or part of the face above the eyes; hence, the whole face.
His front yet threatens, and his frowns command.
2. The forehead or face, as expressive of the temper or disposition; as a fold front equivalent to boldness or impudence. So a hardened front is shamelessness.
3. The forepart of any thing; as the front of a house, the principal face or side.
4. The forepart or van of an army or a body of troops.
5. The part or place before the face, or opposed to it, or to the forepart of a thing. He stood in front of his troops. The road passes in front of his house.
6. The most conspicuous part or particular.
7. Impudence; as men of front
FRONT, verb transitive
1. To oppose face to face; to oppose directly.
I shall front thee, like some staring ghost, with all my wrongs about me.
2. To stand opposed or opposite, or over against any thing; as, his house fronts the church.
FRONT, verb intransitive
1. To stand foremost.
2. To have the face or front towards any point of compass.