FUR'NISH, verb transitive [There is a close affinity, in sense and elements, between furnish garnish, and the Latin orno, which may have been forno or horno. We see in furlow, above the f is lost in three of the languages, and it may be so in orno. The primary sense is to put on, or to set on.]
1. To supply with any thing wanted or necessary; as, to furnish a family with provisions; to furnish arms for defense; to furnish a table; to furnish a library; to furnish one with money or implements.
2. To supply; to store; as, to furnish the mind with ideas; to furnish one with knowledge or principles.
3. To fit up; to supply with the proper goods, vessels or ornamental appendages; as, to furnish a house or a room.
4. To equip; to fit for an expedition; to supply.