GAG, verb transitive
1. To stop the mouth by thrusting something into the throat, so as to hinder speaking.
2. To keck; to heave with nausea.
GAG, noun Something thrust into the mouth and throat to hinder speaking.
GAGE, noun [Eng. to wage.]
1. A pledge or pawn; something laid down or given as a security for the performance of some act to be done by the person depositing the thing, and which is to be forfeited by non-performance. It is used of a movable thing; not of land or other immovable.
There I throw my gage.
2. A challenge to combat; that is, a glove, a cap, a gauntlet, or the like, cast on the ground by the challenger, and taken up by the accepter of the challenge.
3. A measure, or rule of measuring; a standard. [See Gauge.]
4. The number of feet which a ship sinks in the water.
5. Among letter-founders, a piece of hard wood variously notched, used to adjust the dimensions, slopes, etc. of the various sorts of letters.
6. An instrument in joinery made to strike a line parallel to the straight side of a board.
A sliding-gage, a tool used by mathematical instrument makers for measuring and setting off distances.
Sea-gage, an instrument for finding the depth of the sea.
Tide-gage, an instrument for determining the highth of the tides.
Wind-gage, an instrument for measuring the force of the wind on any given surface.
Weather-gage, the windward side of a ship.
GAGE, verb transitive To pledge; to pawn; to give or deposit as a pledge or security for some other act; to wage or wager.
1. To bind by pledge, caution or security; to engage.
2. To measure; to take or ascertain the contents of a vessel, cask or ship; written also gauge.