GAIN, verb transitive [Heb. to gain to possess.]
1. To obtain by industry or the employment of capital; to get as profit or advantage; to acquire. Any industrious person may gain a good living in America; but it is less difficult to gain property, than it is to use it with prudence. Money at interest may gain five, six, or seven per cent.
What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? Matthew 16:26.
2. To win; to obtain by superiority or success; as, to gain a battle or a victory; to gain a prize; to gain a cause in law.
3. To obtain; to acquire; to procure; to receive; as, to gain favor; to gain reputation.
For fame with toil we gain but lose with ease.
4. To obtain an increase of anything; as, to gain time.
5. To obtain or receive anything, good or bad; as, to gain harm and loss. Acts 27:21.
6. To draw into any interest or party; to win to one's side; to conciliate.
To gratify the queen, and gain the court.
If he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. Matthew 18:15.
7. To obtain as a suitor.
8. To reach; to attain to; to arrive at; as, to gain the top of a mountain; to gain a good harbor.
To gain into, to draw or persuade to join in.
He gained Lepidus into his measures.
To gain over, to draw to another party or interest; to win over.
To gain ground, to advance in any undertaking; to prevail; to acquire strength or extent; to increase.
GAIN, verb intransitive To have advantage or profit; to grow rich; to advance in interest or happiness.
Thou hast greedily gained of thy neighbors by extortion. Ezekiel 22:13.
1. To encroach; to advance on; to come forward by degrees; with on; as, the ocean or river gains on the land.
2. To advance nearer; to gain ground on; with on; as, a fleet horse gains on his competitor.
3. To get ground; to prevail against or have the advantage.
The English have not only gained upon the Venetians in the Levant, but have their cloth in Venice itself.
4. To obtain influence with.
My good behavior had so far gained on the emperor, that I began to conceive hopes of liberty.
To gain the wind, in sea language, is to arrive on the windward side of another ship.
GAIN, noun Profit; interest; something obtained as an advantage.
But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ. Philippians 3:7.
1. Unlawful advantage. 2 Corinthians 12:17.
2. Overplus in computation; any thing opposed to loss.
GAIN, noun In architecture, a beveling shoulder; a lapping of timbers, or the cut that is made for receiving a timber.
GAIN, adjective Handy; dexterous.