American Dictionary of the English Language

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GRIPE, verb transitive [Latin rapio.]

1. To seize; to grasp; to catch with the hand, and to clasp closely with the fingers.

2. To hold fast; to hold with the fingers closely pressed.

3. To seize and hold fast in the arms; to embrace closely.

4. To close the fingers; to clutch.

5. To pinch; to press; to compress.

6. To give pain to the bowels, as if by pressure or contraction.

7. To pinch; to straiten; to distress; as griping poverty.

GRIPE, verb intransitive To seize or catch by pinching; to get money by hard bargains or mean exactions; as a griping miser.

1. To feel the colic.

2. To lie too close to the wind, as a ship.

GRIPE, noun Grasp; seizure; fast hold with the hand or paw, or with the arms.

1. Squeeze; pressure.

2. Oppression; cruel exactions.

3. Affliction; pinching distress; as the gripe of poverty.

4. In seamen's language, the fore-foot or piece of timber which terminates the keel at the fore-end.

5. Gripes, in the plural, distress of the bowels; colic.

6. Gripes, in seamen's language, an assemblage of ropes, dead-eyes and hooks, fastened to ring-bolts in the deck to secure the boats.